Thursday, May 22, 2008

24. Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics - Immanuel Kant

As I told Scottioso - "I can't believe someone tried to do this and I can't believe no-one told me that someone has tried to do this!" All this despite the fact that he probably did.

I'm pretty excited about Kant. He totally overshadows Hume and Descartes (for example) in rigor and detail. Kant very rarely, unlike many philosophers before him, relies on arguments based on authority, or even worse, some kind of dogmatic theism. I'm also checking out the "Cambridge Companion to Kant and Modern Philosophy" with the aim of jumping across the chasm to some kind of tossy enlightenment and "The Critique of Pure Reason". Wowsers. This is as good as I've found philosophy to get so far.

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